Thursday, April 26, 2012

this is a first.

Firsts tend to creep up on me. They somehow arrive without any introduction and suddenly the first is happening, sometimes to quickly to recognize or appreciate it. Other times you know it's coming - like the first day of school. That date is on the calendar for months, but somehow I just don't pay attention to it so still, in my life, Firsts are sneaky. Maybe it's because anticipating change is not something I like to deal with - when it happens, it happens. And that's that - a blessing and a curse, I'm sorry to say.

Recently I have sat and dreamt about starting a blog. It comes in waves as random things around me inspire me to write. I don't have a whole lot of world altering thoughts and I am not sure how much of a habit this will become, but today I decided just to do it. There are wise people, funny people, inspiring life events and lots of things to laugh about and somehow they follow me around so it seems only natural to share them with you all. After all, most of the time there are things to be said - those of you who know me probably know this all too well - I don't promise to have words for every occasion. I don't promise to make you laugh at every post or any post. I am not going to change your world, but I would like to invite you to be a part of mine.
So I guess thanks for coming by :)

I feel it might be helpful for you to know where I'm coming from. I live a relatively quiet life; although I, myself, am not quiet at all. Mama was just commenting this morning that somehow I was born with no "inside voice" - a circumstance that makes me quickly noticed and easily in trouble, even as an adult... I am not sure what the word adult really means, although I am told that now that I have a "real" job and am supporting myself, I am technically one of them. I would beg to differ though. I still would rather play than work, buy a shirt than pay bills, drink coffee and sit and talk for hours than have to do anything but then maybe everyone has a little of that in them forever. Gosh, I hope so...
Simply put, I like to love life and I am excited to share mine with you.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, seriously, this is the cutest thing I have ever read. Love you to pieces - Ericha :)
