Tuesday, October 9, 2012

finding strength

well for work I had to take a strength finder test. it was probably one of the worst experiences of my work life and led to a minor meltdown in my office. now - meltdowns in general are not that rare for me but a meltdown at work, followed by a complete come apart? now that is not something to brag about. however, it is something to address. so here i am (bravely) confronting it:

Dear Meltdown,
You are not invited to my workplace any longer. I'm not sure how the invitation ended up in your mailbox originally, although I have my theories. I will not allow you to just waltz into my office like you own the place, set up camp and then completely unravel as you did yesterday. No thank you. Although, I do realize you had good reason. The strength finder test is completely overwhelming and no matter where I decided to embark on that journey, I'm sure you would have accompanied me there. However, please do your best to stay away from my office. I prefer for you to visit me in my car if you must come by. At least there I am relatively protected and Little Dorie doesn't mind seeing you every once in awhile. I also have my suspicions that it was not the strengths that invited you nor the book that beckoned. It wasn't the authors and most certainly it wasn't myself. So who would I guess? Well correct me if I'm wrong, but I bet that my little not-so-great friend Perfectionism set up your welcome mat. I will have to address that "friend" later, but I wanted to make sure that I was clear with you first: The office is off limits.

Thank you for your consideration and respect.
I'm sure I'll be seeing you soon!

there. that otta do it.

1 comment:

  1. i am OBSESSED with this. What a creative and charming big sister I have. I cannot cannot cannot wait to spend time with you soon.
