Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Sometimes my job is really, really hard. Sometimes it is not my favorite place to be. But sometimes I get to interact with little five-year-olds who have a hilarious perspective on life and that makes things a little bit better. Brace yourself for this story because it is one of my favorites so far...
Yesterday I was visiting the school where my sister used to be the supervisor. Because my sister is pregnant, Friday was her last day with these kiddos and this totally threw them for a loop! One of her precious little ones (he would have easily landed a role in The Little Rascals) came up and sat down across from me at the picnic table.
This was our conversation (Note: I have changed the name):

Johnny: "Miss Katie? Sometimes Ms Ali is here and sometimes she's not."
Me: (giggling of course) "You're right, Johnny, but remember last Friday was Ms Ali's last day so she won't be coming back anymore."
Johnny: "WHAT?!?!"
Me: "Remember? You told her goodbye on Friday - She has to go have her baby!"
Johnny: (concerned) "You mean they're going to take him out?!?!?!"
Me: (still giggling) "Yes they have to! He can't stay in her stomach forever..."
Johnny: (looooooonnnnnggg sigh) "Oh jeez"

Obviously this conversation was too good to just end there so I prodded a little more...

Me: "Hey Johnny- Did Ms Ali ever tell you what they were going to name him?"
Johnny: (exasperated) "She gets to name him???"
Me: "Yes well somebody has to...."
Johnny: "Ummmm she never told me..."
Me: "Well they're going to name him Caleb"
(long pause, clearly deep in thought)
Johnny: "But that sounds like a girls name!"
(now I'm the one doing the thinking...)
Me: (giggling again) "No no no Kayla is a girls name. Ca-lub is a boys name"
Johnny: "Hmmm Well I dont think that's his name"
Me: "Well what do you think his name should be?"
Johnny: (HUGE GRIN) "Johnny!"

And with that he jumped up and scurried off and I of course sat there just laughing until few tears fell. He is by far one of the cutest things I have ever seen.

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