Saturday, November 9, 2013

playing dress-up

When we were little, very little, my Granny gave us a trunk full of dress up clothes for Christmas and I guess that's where it began. We have video footage of my sisters and I strutting around in big hats and feathered boas and gloves up to our elbows. We giggled and oohed and ahhed as we pulled sparkly bright colored garments out of boxes. Keila wasn't even born yet so I couldn't have been 18 months old. And as we walked around, the adults in the room played up our glamorous ensembles by applauding and congratulating us on our beauty. And we (based on our response in the video) loved it. We knew we were cherished and loved so deeply - first by a thoughtful gift and then by trusted family members instilling in us this truth: You are beautiful to me.
I read this blog post this past week, which probably started this thought process but I was thinking about it today as we, yet again, were found with a few occasions to play dress up. Today I was able to spend a little time with some of my closest friends and family picking out the perfect outfit combinations - using some of their items and some of mine, we pieced together outfits that both reflected the person and made them feel beautiful. This kind of "work" brings me much joy. It forced me to pause and reflect on how thankful I am to be brought up in a family that cherished beauty and instilled in me a sense of confidence in my own beauty.
Growing up, we did fashion shows after ever shopping trip and we knew that my dad thought us to be the most beautiful girls in the world (second only to Mama - I mean who could blame him???).  And I am filled with great thankfulness for his love for me and the way that reflects the Fathers. I am also thankful for reasons to dress up and celebrate and be girly. This morning was a gift and I know this evening will be for each of us as well.

Here's to celebrating beauty!

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